Web site design factors are essential to the company it is a representation of its ideals. Here are some of the lists that can assist a designer.
The usability
Fast Downloads this includes unnecessary images, reduced the size of the file and crop it to subject, using the attributes to control the height and the width. Removing spaces used group attributes instead.
Navigation an important element concerning web designing positioning your links where the user can access it easily, dividing you page to categories and labels, also includes the familiarity of the site where links are located (TOP or LEFT MARGIN). The implementing of a multi routes so that user has an alternative way to get the info and allow the user to return to access point when finish.
Content this is the king of the web site Johnson says; “Promise large promise is the soul of the advertisement”, there is consistency and not variance all throughout the page. The content must be easy to read and understand.
Keep users on your site instead open a new window for external links. There must be no under construction sign.
The Coding
Frames has to be avoided they are also deprecated by W3C it will not be supported in the near future so avoid them. Browser friendly only use cross-platform HTML, and check rendering in text-only browse avoid deprecated tags look to the future but be sympathetic to legacy browsers.
Search Engine Friendly Meta tags for description, keywords, and propriety tags for intranet robot. Organized contents in the directories, naming conventions plan for the future and for expansion directories used for graphics and files.
Browsers take time to compose and render complex nested tables and always use the end tags for this element. Maintainability of codes therefore it must be clean and organize as well.
This are but a few lists for web page designers.